1300 Mercantile Lane, Suite 208, Largo, Maryland 20774

Externship Program
CCMS Externship
CCMS is committed to serving our community and externs will be a part of this commitment. CCMS offers a 10-month or 12-month externship during the regular academic year that is focused on providing supportive training opportunities for students.
CCMS also offers a summer practicum/internship for students for the months of July/August. This position parallels the details of the 10-12 month commitment except for the following: Summer externs/interns work all daytime hours (no evenings) and do not conduct assessments. Application dates same as for 10-12 month rotation.
What does the CCMS Externship include?
CCMS provides supervised training in individual and group therapy for children, adolescents, and adults in a community mental health setting.
Externs will play an active role in other CCMS programs, such as our afterschool Enrichment Program and Therapeutic Summer Wellness Program.
Externs will participate in community outreach activities and events.
There are also opportunities for school-based interventions with elementary-aged children and high school adolescents, and exposure to adjudicated youth through the Multi Systemic Treatment program, and experience with substance use treatments
The externship experience at CCMS is primarily therapy, although doctoral students will be required to conduct comprehensive batteries, including projective testing and the Rorschach.
When does the Externship begin?
10-month academic year, with rotations starting in Spring, Summer, and Fall; this can be extended to a three semester, one year experience.
​*Option to extend academic year is available.
How many positions are offered?
We offer 10-12 positions per 10-month academic year